Welcome to the SJA eMiddle School: Language Arts

Mr. Mike Heneghan, Teacher | mheneghan@sjoa.org

SJA Calendar

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Study Guide for "11th Hour" and "Inconvenient Truth"

Here are some of the main ideas and concrete details which may be found on tomorrow's tests:

"11th Hour"

  1. Global warming caused by excess CO2 in atmosphere.
  2. Chemicals in air, soil, water have led to increases in many diseases, including ADHD, asthma, and cancer.
  3. 11th Hour means "at the last minute".
  4. Current sunlight vs. Stored (Ancient) sunlight.
  5. We have removed over 90% of the big fish from the oceans.
  6. Animals and plant species becoming extinct at a faster rate due to humans.
  7. Tens of thousands of hours of TV watched by the time an American is 18, but can name few of the native plant and animal species in their area.
  8. Planet's population: from 2 billion to 6 billion in 70 yrs. Took 10,000 generations to get to 2 billion.
  9. 99.9% of all animals that ever were are extinct.
  10. Burning of fossil fuels creates acid rain.
  11. Arctic and Antarctic ice melting due to global warming.
  12. Too many of us (especially Americans) using too many resources too fast.
  13. CO2 traps in heat.
  14. Trees help prevent flooding and soil erosion.
  15. For every truckload of lasting product Americans make, we waste 32 truckloads.
  16. Exxon-Mobile's profits from last year (33 billion dollars) are more than all American automakers' profits. Combined!

"An Inconvenient Truth"

  1. Moulin-a large crack in the ice where water seeps down to its crust.
  2. Al Gore: former VP. Won Academy award and Nobel prize.
  3. Canary in a coalmine.
  4. Difference between sea-based ice and land-based ice.
  5. Roger Revelle--Gore's former professor.
  6. Ocean conveyor.
  7. Strengthening and more frequent storms.
  8. Changing/dying ecosystems.
  9. Three factors: Population growth, new technologies, new ways of thinking.
  10. Does becoming more environmental always equal bad for the economy?

Hope these help you focus your studying tonight. Remember, always involve writing when you study.

Mr. Heneghan

Today's Monarch

Mrs. Collier-Mason helps out these 8th graders at last week's Finance Park.

From Mrs. Bryant...

As the school year ends, I want you to know how much I have enjoyed your children. Please remind them to do the extra credit in science for up to twenty points.

Sixth grade students will have a test tomorrow over invertebrates. Students should study their foldables, notes given in class, and textbook. They may also go online and take practice quizzes and tests at the textbook’s website.

Seventh grade students have been teaching their classmates about energy sources for electricity such as solar, nuclear, wind, coal, oil, gas, and hydroelectric power. Students should be able to tell you what energy source Hoosiers use for most of our electricity.

Eighth grade students will have a test tomorrow over The Nonliving Environment, Chapter 19, in their textbook. Again, students may go online and take practice quizzes and tests at the textbook’s website found on the Eighth Grade Quia homepage. Next week we will review the factor label method of calculation, a valuable tool for high school.

From Mrs. Groves...
Last Thursday the seventh and eighth grade students went to Junior Achievement’s Finance Park as the culminating activity for a three week unit in math, social studies and language arts. They represented St. Joan of Arc well by working diligently on their budget packets all day. They learned some very interesting things about how expensive it is to run a household, and how important it is to get a good education so they might be able to afford some of the nicer things in life. Ask to see their packets and budgets, and discuss with them some of the lessons they learned at Finance Park.

In Sports Connections, all the middle school students thanked our mentors for helping us throughout the year by presenting them with gifts last Monday. Mr. Kahl, Ms. Adams and Mr. McClelland were given an SJA hat, a binder filled with thank you notes, and a picture of all the middle school students gathered around our INTEL award sign. Each mentor hopes to return next fall for another year of Sports Connections.

From Mrs. Hasbrook...
The Spanish students had a really good first year! 5th, 6th, and 7th graders were able to make it through important introductory material, a preview chapter and then 3 additional chapters in our book. The 8th graders were able to make it through all of the above and chapter 4 in the text. Some of our highlights this year included singing De Colores, memorizing and perfoming dialogues, having a Spanish fiesta around Christmas, playing Spanish Bingo, playing Jeopardy to review for chapter tests, memorizing the Our Father in Spanish, and the 8th graders making the tres leches cake for the Cultural Arts Celebration. Overall, it was a great year!

From Mr. Carlstedt...
The students are playing Risk to enhance their Social Studies knowledge. It is a wonderful blend of strategery and global domination with a dash of Math for grins and giggles.

From Mr. Heneghan...

I have enjoyed teaching your children this year, and the years preceding. I am excited for the kids to move on to new adventures and learning in high school, as well as the direction Mrs. Jeatran will take these students towards for writing and reading. Good luck to you all, and continue to grow our St. Joan of Arc community.

All grades have a test over “The 11th Hour” and “An Inconvenient Truth” tomorrow.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Today's Monarch

From Mr. Carlstedt...

The 6th grade will have a test next week on the countries of Europe from the last chapter.

The 7th grade has a test tomorrow on Europe.

The 8th grade will be deconstructing Reconstruction.

From Mr. Heneghan...

Students watched the environmental film, “The 11th Hour” this past week. They learned about global warming, pollution of the air, land, and water, who is responsible, and what are some of the actions we can take to prevent further abuse of our habitat.

Next week, we will watch “An Inconvenient Truth”, an academy award winning documentary created by former vice president Al Gore. It also focuses on the environment and the effect human activity has on it.

From Mrs. Groves...


Today the seventh and eighth graders enjoyed the culminating activity for their unit on economics. During the simulation they conducted pricing research on such things as home mortgages or rent, cable packages, and automobile prices. They tracked stock prices, and explored investment opportunities. They also gained knowledge about budgeting by evaluating hypothetical life situations and prioritizing budget items. They also experienced the use of a debit card and were expected to balance their budget at the end of the month. It was an enlightening experience for all.

Thanks to Susan Barney, Celesta Bates, Quinetta Buchanan-Brown, Kim Collier-Mason and Brent Kahl for chaperoning.

From Mrs. Bryant...

Please remind your son or daughter that if they miss a day of school or a class for an appointment, they need to check with the teacher as soon as possible regarding any work that they may have missed.

Sixth grade students will have a test over invertebrates on Monday. Students should review a few minutes each day before the test, using their flow chart, foldables, and student notes.

Seventh grade students will visit the Eco Lab at Marian College tomorrow. Students should wear old shoes and several layers of warm clothing, as their experience will be completely outdoors. Many thanks to Carolyn Holder and Mrs. Carlton who will be transporting students to this event.

Eighth grade students explored magnetism this week in lab as they magnetized an iron nail and then demagnetized it using two different methods.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Today's Monarch

Syndey, Symone and Payge enjoy statistics and a nice day at Victory Field.

From Mrs. Sharpe...

To Parents of Middle School students:

Many students are spending a great deal of time on the internet at home. Many are using “My Space” (or other social networking sites like “Facebook”) as a means of communicating. Unfortunately, some students are using this as a way to communicate harmful information about each other. Our concern at St. Joan of Arc is that some of this is carrying over into school. Please check with your children, be sure you know what they are viewing and sending. The internet is a great tool if used properly and safely. Otherwise, it can cause a great deal of harm.
Thank you for monitoring this issue.

Mrs. Sharpe

From Mrs. Bryant...
Seventh grade will be visiting the Marian College Ecolab on Friday, May 16th from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. I still need three drivers for this field trip; if you are able to drive, please give me a call. Students will be learning about wetlands while earning a service hour.

Thermal energy was our topic last Friday, as sixth grade students made ice cream. This week students are learning about invertebrates and reviewing proportions.

Eighth grade students will be bungee jumping their Barbies from the computer lab window into a shallow pool the first day weather permits. Students incorporated a number of skills: graphing, determining the line of best fit, extrapolation of a graph for estimating, and proportion calculations in completing this lab.

From Mr. Carlstedt...
6th grade: wrapping up the individual countries of the Old Country. On a side note, they are creating a presentation on Central American countries.

7th grade: traversing the storied history of Europe and understanding basic concepts of personal financial responsibilities.

8th grade: understanding the social and historical impact of the Civil War while preparing for Finance Park.

From Mrs. Groves...
Last week the Sports Connection program sponsored by the Actuarial Foundation was able to host the entire middle school at the Indianapolis Indians Education Day. During the game between the Indians and the Columbus Clippers the students kept a box score. They had learned to do that in class as part of a statistics unit which includes gathering raw data. They will now take that data and tally some statistics such as batting averages and slugging percentages and compare the players’ performance in that game to their overall performance this season. The students also enjoyed lots of snacks from the concession stands!

Many thanks to our mentors as well as Mr. Barney and Mr. Poe for chaperoning.

The 7th & 8th graders are currently preparing for our visit to Finance Park on May 15th. More on that next week!

From Mrs. Schaefer...
6th grade is studying the life of Moses.
7th and 8th grades are reviewing chapters 1-9, while also creating a Crossword Puzzle.

From Mr. Heneghan...
All grades have focused on our Discipline with Purpose skills as the year winds down. Primarily, we have worked on improving Listening, Following Instructions, Asking Questions, and Sharing. All are basic life skills, and many students are finding they have much to improve in their self-discipline, so I hope they are finding these lessons constructive.

7th and 8th grades have been really enthusiastic about our discussion concerning credit for Finance Park.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Today's Monarch

The 8th graders did mass today, and led our school outside afterwards for a May Crowning celebration. May is the month of Mary and mothers.

In Mrs. Bryant’s class...

Please feel free to call me at home (841-3952) or send me an e-mail sbryant@sjoa.org
regarding your son or daughter’s progress report score. I can always print an itemized report if you want each specific grade that was earned this quarter. Thank you for continuing to emphasize the importance of their school work at home. I often remind the students that their parents and grandparents make great sacrifices to send them to St. Joan of Arc School, and that, at a minimum, it is their job to come to school prepared each day in order to honor all that you do for them.

Sixth grade students had a test today over plants. Our lab tomorrow is “The Problem with Flat Maps in a Round World.” Be sure to ask them how we used an orange.

Seventh grade students had their test over genetics today, and tomorrow they will have their DNA lab. Their test was an on line test which was scored immediately upon completion.

Eighth grade students took the plate tectonics test on Tuesday, it was returned in their Thursday folder today. Please review the test with your son or daughter. We will be working on the factor-label method of calculations; a skill which they should know well as they get ready to enter high school.

In Mrs. Hasbrook’s class...

• The 6th graders just finished testing over the chapter and began working on their dialogues this week.
• The 7th graders will be reviewing this week and testing next week.
• The 8th graders just finished up the vocabulary for chapter 4 and will be learning grammar and culture this week. They will test over Chapter 4 sometime in mid-May. The 8th graders will also be helping me make a special Central American treat for the Cultural Arts Celebration!

In Mr. Carlstedt’s class...

Some dates to remember:
• Saturday: Radio show, check my blog.
• Monday: 7th Cristo Rey shadow.
• Thursday: 7th at GREAT Celebration.
• Friday: Walk-a-thon/ Field Day –don’t forget to get those pledges! We’d like each student to raise at least 25 dollars.

In Mr. Heneghan’s class...

• Next week is Teacher Appreciation week.
• The 8th graders will be selling coffee, fruit, and other breakfast treats tomorrow morning. Stop on by!
• 8th graders and Mr. Carlstedt will visit Eli Lilly tomorrow.

Bikin' it for Coats for Kids

Bikin' it for Coats for Kids
Clay, Marshall, Graham and I rode our bikes to the fairgrounds for Coats for Kids.